Saturday, April 3, 2010

Crowd Control Part 1: Regulatin' Genes

Is there a vaccine that makes people gay? Regressives want everyone to vibrate at the root chakra. They emphasize anal sex and fart jokes. This is because they hate pure light and love the darkness and death of the rectum. The browneye of ra or horus or whoever in the capstone is probably a metaphor for the anus. Aww dude he's the shit. That's my shit right there. You're the shit. HOLY SHIT. Getting "shitfaced" in drunken revelry is a nod to the Ouroboros symbol of the serpent eating his tail. It is much easier to enslave people vibrating at the root chakra that at the eye or the crown.

Obviously the dominant culture promotes various fucked up behaviors using various methods. I'm going to speculate one method is genetic manipulation and one desired behavior is homosexuality. And again, obviously they can achieve this through the medes in the media or indoctrination center schools, but I want to explore the possibilities of genetic manipulation with this one.

Viral Vector-Mediated Gene Transfer can drive new behavior in mammals as articulated in the NatGeo video "Genetic Code for Monogamy." In the video, blasphemous scientists used adeno-associated viral vector gene transfer to examine the functional relationship between accumbal oxytocin receptor density and social behavior in prairie and meadow voles. In the video they compare one inherently monogamous species and another inherently promiscuous species. What drives the two distinct approaches to mating? Both species release a love cocktail but only the monogamous voles have sufficient brain hardware to soak up the pair-bonding chemicals. The promiscuous voles have fewer receptors and Young suspected that could explain their free-loving lifestyle. To investigate his theory, Dr. Larry Young turned to a virus. His plan was simple. He injected a virus into the brain of a promiscuous vole. The virus sliced into the vole's DNA and inserted the instructions to create more receptors. Brain scan images revealed success. But would the new receptors change behavior? To find out, Young mated the virally altered vole with a female and then separated the couple. Next he tethered the mated female in a box. At the other end of the box he tied down a temptress. And finally he introduced the virus injected vole. Would the male remember the days in the love nest or would he back on the prowl? In an evolutionary flip flop, the virally altered vole returned to dote on his mate. A virus that altered just one gene had dramatically changed their behavior.

Viral transduction also occurs naturally to change behavior. The NatGeo video "Body Invaders" demonstrates this occurrence in the interaction between parasitic wasps and caterpillars. The wasp lays its eggs inside a caterpillar and also injects a virus into the caterpillar. Eventually, the wasp larvae will burst out of the caterpillar. Ironically, one of the greatest dangers the larvae will face is being themselves impregnated by other species of parasitic wasp. Incredibly, the wounded caterpillar helps them out. Usually, a caterpillar would spin a silken blanket to make its own cocoon. But the parasitized caterpillar spins his blanket on top of the wasp cocoons giving them an extra layer of protection. Scientists believe the same wasp virus that infected it weeks before has now invaded the caterpillar's brain and caused this bizarre corruption of its normal behavior. Amazingly, the caterpillar's natural aggression is now also exploited by the wasp virus. The caterpillar becomes a bodyguard, actively protecting the cocoons from other parasites. It will watch over them unceasingly until it eventually starves to death.

Both naturally and artificially transduced viruses can drive new behaviors in organisms. Viral vectors are a tool commonly used by molecular biologists to deliver genetic material into cells. With the completion of human genome project, scientists may have the visibility to pinpoint certain genes that can be used to drive desired behaviors in a population. So when Bill Gate's talks about vaccines and their relationship to depopulation, he may not mean they will kill people directly. Viral-vector vaccines may be used to drive homosexuality and thus decrease the population.

Why drive homosexuality rather than straight up kill or sterilize the masses? Because another agenda overlaps here. As we all know, Baphomet is a hermaphrodite. Serendipitous synergism occurs when the illuminati not only decreases the population, but also drive people into an androgynous / post-gender lifestyle that is perhaps a corruption of the gnostic and alchemic aims of old. As we are currently in third density, men need women to unite in sacred sex to achieve higher consciousness. However, GLBT behavior prevents the Two from truly becoming One while undeservingly claiming god status via androgyny. This tricks people into a false sense of enlightenment while ensuring they stay trapped in the grid.

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