Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Solution Think / Paradise Engineering

Its easy to find hidden evil shit and point at it. Its easy to talk shit on Jews. Its easy to find the problems. Let's take the next step and really get to root causes of problems and solve this shit. Let's have the audacity to engineer paradise on earth. Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the Father's kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is without you."

It's not so much that I'm not happy with how things are but I'm not happy that other's aren't happy with how things are. How can so many people sit around and live this way? WTF.

This is a rough sketch of the new paradise culture. If I could start a cult I would make the following social norms:

Shit talking: He who is without sin cast the first stone. Before you talk shit on someone or something talk shit on yourself. Really talk shit on yourself. I'll do this and sometimes people say "too much information" but let's be realistic. Confess all the things you never tell anyone. Pointing out one's own flaws is like finding buried treasure. Flaws and mistakes are opportunities for improvement. I'm not saying turn your weaknesses into strengths, just heal your flaws. Talking shit on yourself is cathartic. It protects you from sounding all sanctimonious too and lets people know who you really are. My goal is to become so virtuous that people get a natural high just from being around me. To get to that point I have to be real with people. I need to notice the beams in my own eyes before i point out the splinters in other peoples eyes. And if I openly talk about weird/embarassing/bad things I did in my life people will be able to relate with me better in the long run. It's been said that a corrupt tree bears corrupt fruit. Who would want to listen to what I have to say if I constantly undermine my credibility by saying weird shit about myself? People will say dude you're a piece of shit. But then they'll realize everyone has done or thought ridiculous shit including themselves. Its ok to be open about it because then we can fix it. Don't dwell on it either. Just fix it and move on.

Expose Esoteric Agendas: 'He who is without sin cast the first stone' doesn't let all these demented psychopaths out there off the hook. We need to identify evil and neutralize it. For example we need to cure people who kill the 'children witches' in Africa and we need to imprison the real witches who try to do demonic shit in real life.

Expose the esoteric good: There is so much good out there that no one knows about because the bad stuff keeps it unknown. Jamba juice has some great products, ibogaine cures drug addiciton, water can be used to transmit messages and can be positively charged with music, Apple Cider Vinegar, tea tree oil etc.

American Synchromystics Foundation: The ASF or something like that can be a place where people research and figure out all kinds of mysteries.

The Center for Psychonautic Research: The CPR or something like that can be a place where people document and preserve their own experiences and get to really know themselves.

The Institutute for Advances Amerobotics: The IAA can be a place where people look at how backwards we are as Americans / Amerobots and can work towards evolving as a society. We will redefine American milestones. Currently they are "go to a good school, get a good job, buy a nice car, have a saturnalian wedding, buy a nice house." Each of these is associated with debt, the job being a time debt that the american actually loans and never gets back. We should celebrate and respect the point when a person can read write and teach himself anything, when he establishes a relieble trade network, when he can freely move and explore the world, when he finds a partner to have kids with, and when he has a compound where he can establish a lineage.

Anti-Sprawl: All new home building banned. McMansions are seen as disgraceful. See how pissed the E.L.F. Earth Liberation Front already is about this shit. Resources should be redirected to fixing what already exists. Move back to the city. Fix an old farm.

Cars: The car ownership model will be that of zip cars. There are too many cars underutilized. Entire fleets just sit for the majority of any given day. Its a waste of resources. We don't need a car for every person.

Kill Television: Complete destruction of TVs everywhere. If you want to watch something watch it online. Television is unilateral. There is no exchange of ideas. It loads shit into people brains all day without them having time to analize or critically think about any of it. It is a weapon of mass destruction via mis and dis information. I read kids see about 2 weeks worth of commercials alone per year. 2 COMPLETE WEEKS!! I heard somewhere that the chinese television proliferation program was implemented and executed before any other program including their nuclear programs. We need to kill TVs and I hope to find a way to get people to do this on their own.

Internet: Free computers and internet for all. Net nuetrality laws. The internet must be free and open foever. LAws on search engines that keep them honest. We can pay for all this by taxing the shit out of the porno tycoons.

Taxes: Tax the shit out of Porn and Hollywood. Tax the shit out of it. And tax the shit out of alcohol and big tobacco.

Sex: Sex is a divine sacrament and should be treated as such. A truly well done orgasm can activate the pineal gland and create a religious experience that brings two people close together. You can really make love via sex. It should not be used as a toy. It shouldn't be used to get girls addicted to you so you can manipulate them. Getting good at getting girls so you can use them is wrong.

Secession: The states should secede. Apparently this is what the civil war was about. Anyway, borders should be drawn according to ecological systems. A GIS breakdown of vegetation and terrain zones will show how our borders should look. We should be stewards of the environment. Google image: ecoregional boundaries.

Explode the rat race: People stay in the rat race because of debt, distractions like porn television and sports, the mythical need for healthcare, they amerobotic need for comfort and routine, chemicals like sugar flouride and preservatives, the misguided wetdream that a 401k and roth IRA will actually be there for retirement, the knowledge that we have it so much better than starving people in africa and should be complacent and thankful... Well fuck all that because those are no reasons to spend 40+ hours a week (three months a year) away from your friends and family.

Holotropic Mindset: We have to stop thinking in heirarchy terms. Society to be thought of as an ecosystem. Metrics drive behavior. New milestones adopted can be a remedy for this.

Derogatory language: euphemisms and platitudes will be considered derogatory language. We will be direct and truthful. We will get to the root cause. We will use tact, but not if it undermines reality. Using spatial metaphors to rank people and things will be considered profanity. Using growth tropes in urban investment efforts will be considered vulgar. George Lakoff's work on how metaphors are internalized in mental models is pretty powerful if applied to the right things. Cuss words are not encouraged but they aren't offensive unless they are limiting vocubulary usage.

Domestic mischief: Pranks on fast food companies, porn companies, big media companies are encouraged if it is effective in dismantling these institutions.

Ergonomics: Work spaces will have building codes that prevent flourescent lighting, white noise, animal cage cubicles, and screen brightness damage to eyes.

Pro-life: The death penalty is banned. Abortion is banned. The abortion exception will be to save the life of a mother in times of complication. The so called "war on terror" is called off.

No war: preserving the USD hegemony and sacrificing soldiers to demon alien extra-dimensional whatevers will be discontinued. The First Earth Battalion will be in charge of nuclear disarmament.

Ban Toxins: Proper labeling if not outright banning of all toxins. Cigarette additives banned. flouride in water is banned.

Science: a comprehensive study of laziness should be started immediately. What makes people lazy?

Technology investment: Nuclear fission, water technology, all the alternative energies, real medicine...

Legalize drugs: DMT should be used as a tool to see new frequencies of reality. Weed legal. Crack and Meth discouraged. Rehab available. We can cut demand.

Legalize simple assualt: No harm no foul. People need the shit beat out of them sometimes. If we have to take a problem to the streets let's do it.

Pro Guns: It must be easy for people to get guns. All types of guns. If guns were never invented then I would say don't invent them. But they are here. The people need to protect themselves. Body armor is legal too.

Stop Blame: Blaming people is a way to protect one's self image. Cognitive dissonance is unbearable for some people. See where stuff started, fix it and move on. Sidenote: Is there any reason we would ever 'evolve' the need to preserve our self image? No. Evolution is ridiculous.

Catalog of questionable shit: There's a lot of shit out there that looks fucked up but there are no victims i.e. real dolls, furries, bug chasers, otherkin, japanese suicide clubs. All this shit is consensual. Is it any of my business? I don't know. What's the difference between judging something and diagnosing something? It's not my place to stop these people from living how they want to but i want to know why this shit is happening.

Debt transparency: Make taking on consumer debt very unfashionable. Online listing of people's debt in a secure way. Privacy for consumer debt forfeited when borrowing for retarded shit.

Interest rates: The fed is eliminated. The Government creates the money. No interest can be collected by someone printing money. Silver standard instituted.

The Jewish question: There are evil people everywhere. Some jews are good some jews are bad just like any other people group. I am against jewish protection artists. Like I said, everyone should learn how to talk shit on themselves and confess wrongdoings in order to move on and acheive an earthly paradise. I would like to see Israel dissolved much like the soviet union was too.

Bottom line: we must be seeing problems out here as oppurtunities to fix and create paradise. Get to the root cause. Get away from the Amerobot lifestyle. Expose evil. Don't take shit from people. Beat the shit out of weasels who have voracious appetites for circumvention and fiendishly pursue loopholes with insatiable desires to exploit any and all technicalities.

Most importantly Do what works for you and we can get there together. Like Jeet Kune Do:

I have not invented a "new style," composite, modified or otherwise that is set within distinct form as apart from "this" method or "that" method. On the contrary, I hope to free my followers from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds. Remember that Jeet Kune Do is merely a name used, a mirror in which to see "ourselves". . . Jeet Kune Do is not an organized institution that one can be a member of. Either you understand or you don't, and that is that. There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and non-classical. The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune-Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way. Jeet Kune-Do is simply the direct expression of one's feelings with the minimum of movements and energy. The closer to the true way of Kung Fu, the less wastage of expression there is. Finally, a Jeet Kune Do man who says Jeet Kune Do is exclusively Jeet Kune Do is simply not with it. He is still hung up on his self-closing resistance, in this case anchored down to reactionary pattern, and naturally is still bound by another modified pattern and can move within its limits. He has not digested the simple fact that truth exists outside all molds; pattern and awareness is never exclusive. Again let me remind you Jeet Kune Do is just a name used, a boat to get one across, and once across it is to be discarded and not to be carried on one's back.

Bruce Lee

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